
引入 English Chinese first of all 首先 to begin with 首先 to start with 首先 to outline the main points 以概述要点 in order to decide whether or not 要想对……做出抉择 承接 English Chinese previously 在此之前 preceding this 在此之前 prior to this 在此之前 next 接下来 since then 在此之后 afterwards 在此之后 following this 在此之后 最后 English Chinese to end with 最后 eventually 最后 ultimately 最后 finally 最后 last but not least 最后 因果关系 English Chinese because 因为 because of this 因此 since 由于 as 由于 for 因为 owing to 由于 due to 由于 for the reason that… 由于 in view of 因为 for such a reason 由于 as a result of 由……导致 therefore 因此 consequently 因此 as a result 因此 thus 所以 hence 所以 so 所以 so that 所以 in consequence 所以 as a consequence 所以 consequently 所以 accordingly 因此 inevitably 不可避免地 under these conditions 在这种情况下 转折关系 English Chinese but 但是 even so 即使如此 however 然而 even though 虽然 reckless of 尽管 despite 尽管 in spite of 尽管 regardless of 尽管 while…yet… 尽管……但是…… unless 除非 nevertheless 然而 whereas 然而 although 虽然 though 虽然 on the contrary 恰恰相反 并列关系 English Chinese and 和 also 也 too 也 as well as 和 meanwhile 同时 at the same time 同时 simultaneously 同时 both…and… ……和……两者都 for one thing… for another… 一方面……另一方面…… on the one hand… on the other hand… 一方面……另一方面…… not only…but also… 既……又…… 递进关系 English Chinese furthermore 此外 moreover 此外 further 此外 still 还要,更 not…but… 不但……而且…… in addition (to) 此外 additionally 进一步 more specifically 更具体地说 next 其次 besides 另外 moreover 而且 furthermore 而且 in other words 换言之 even 甚至 above all 尤其是 to make things better(worse) 使事情变得更好(更糟) 比较关系(相同点) English Chinese similarly 类似地 like 类似地 likewise 类似地 in comparison with 与……比较而言 when compared with 与……比较而言 compared with 与……比较而言 similarly important 同样重要 as well as 同样 in the same way 同样 对照关系(不同点) English Chinese yet 但是,然而 still 但是,然而 for all of that 尽管如此 rather 更准确地说 neither … nor 既不……也不…… although 虽然 though 虽然 but 但是 however 但是 something is just the other way around 恰恰相反 conversely 相反地 opposed to 相反地 in contrast 相反地 on the contrary 相反地 contrary to 相反地 different from this 与……不同 nevertheless 与……不同 unlike 与……不同 whereas 然而 while 然而 to draw/make a comparison between… and … 对比……和…… 举例关系 English Chinese for example 例如 for instance 例如 in this case 例如 namely 例如 like 例如 such as 例如 a case in point 例如 as is known to all 众所周知 in particular 尤其;特别 including 包括 put it simply 简单来说 stated roughly 大致说来 as an illustration 作为例子 to detail this, I would like to… 为了详细说明这一点,我想…… a good example would be… 一个很好的例子是…… It is interesting to note that… 值得注意的是…… take the case of… 就……的例子来说 take…as example 以……为例 as regards 关于 according to 根据 on this occasion 在这种情况下 to illustrate this point 为了说明这一点 et cetera 等等 and so on 等等 and so forth 等等 例外关系 English Chinese apart from 除……之外 except 除……之外 with the exception from 除……之外 强调关系 English Chinese in fact 实际上 especially 尤其 particularly 尤其 moreover 尤其 naturally 顺理成章地 what is particular 值得特别关注的是 not to mention 不用说;更不必说 believe it or not 信不信由你 undeniably 毫无疑问 it is certain/sure that… 可以肯定的是…… by definition 顾名思义 definitely 确切地 undoubtedly 毫无疑问 without a doubt 毫无疑问 in truth 事实上 in any event 无论如何;不管怎样 without reservation 毫无保留地 obviously 显然 not only 不仅仅 条件关系 English Chinese if 如果 when 当……的时候 unless 除非 lest 以免 provided that 假如 if it is the case 如果是这样的话 in this sense 从这种意义上来说 once 一旦 if possible 如果可能 if necessary 如有必要 if so 如果是这样 if anything 要说真有什么的话 归纳总结 English Chinese in other words 换言之 therefore 因此 hence 因此 in short 简而言之 in brief 简而言之 to put it in a nutshell 简而言之 in general 总体上来说 generally 总体上来说 in sum 总体上来说 to sum up 总体上来说 in conclusion 总体上来说 in summary 总体上来说 to conclude 总体上来说 in conclusion 总体上来说 the conclusion can be drawn that… 总体上来说 on the whole 总体上来说 to sum up 总体上来说 all in all 总体上来说 to summarize 总体上来说 basically 基本上 in all respects 在各个方面 in many ways 在各个方面 in many/most cases 在各个方面 I find it difficult to reach a conclusion but I’m tempted to say 我觉得很难得出结论,但我想说…… we can draw the conclusion 我们可以得出结论 方位关系 English Chinese beyond 在(或向)……较远的一边;超出 opposite to 在对面 adjacent to 比邻于;毗连 at the same place 在同样的地方 there 哪里 over 在……之上 in the middle 在中间 around 在周围 in front of 在……之前 in the distance 在远处 farther 更远的地方 here and there 在各处;零散地 above 在……之上 below 在……之下 between 在两者之间 on this side 在这一边 目的关系 English Chinese with this object 以此为目的 for this purpose 以此为目的 in order that 为了 since 由于;既然 so that 因此;以便 on that account 为了那个缘故 以防;免得 以防;免得 with a view to 为了;以便 for the same reason 同理 重申关系 English Chinese in other words 换言之 that is to say 换言之 namely 换言之 to put it in another way 换言之 again 又一次;再次 once again 又一次;再次 时间关系 English Chinese at once 立刻 immediately 立刻 in the meantime 同时 meanwhile 同时 at the same time 同时 in the end 最终 at length 最终 then 然后 soon 不久之后 not long after 不久之后 later 后来 at last 最后 finally 最后 some time ago 前些时;一段时间以前 at present 现在 all of a sudden 突然 from this time on 从这时起 since then 从那时起 from time to time 间或;偶尔 when 在……的时候 whenever 无论何时 a few minutes later 几分钟之后 formerly 以前 as 在……的时候 once 一旦 since 自从 occasionally 偶尔 in a moment 一会儿,马上 shortly 一会儿,马上 whereupon 然后;于是 previously (一段时间)以前 结果关系 English Chinese accordingly 因此 thus 因此 consequently 因此 hence 因此 hence 因此 thereupon 因此 inevitably 难以避免地 under these conditions 在这样的情况下 under these circumstances 在这样的情况下 as a result 结果 in consequence 结果 consequently 结果 so that 因此;以便 so 因此 so… that 太……以致于…… 依据关系 English Chinese with reference to 根据 regarding 根据 as regards 根据 as far as… is concerned 根据 according to 根据 个人观点 English Chinese I believe 我认为…… as far as I know 据我所知 as far as I am concerned 据我所知 in my opinion 据我所知 to my mind 据我所知 in my view 据我所知 I am convinced that 我相信…… I firmly believe that 我坚信…… 同意观点 English Chinese I entirely / absolutely agree with 我完全同意…… that’s exactly my own view 这正是我的观点 I’m of exactly the same opinion 我的看法完全一样 that’s perfectly true (以上观点)完全正确 I’d like to support this view 我倾向于支持该观点 不同意观点 English Chinese I partly disagree with 我一定程度上同意 I don’t entirely agree with 我不完全同同意 I agree in principle, but 原则上我同意,但是…… That’s not the way I see it 我的看法与之不同 I see things rather differently myself 我的看法与之不同 I’m not at all convinced that 我一点都不同意…… I’m not absolutely sure 我对……不敢下定论 兴趣或计划 English Chinese to be interested in sth / in doing sth 对……感兴趣 It interests me a lot 我对……十分有兴趣 My main / particular interest is 我主要的兴趣是…… I have the intention of doing 我有……的打算 I am prepared to do sth 我准备做…… I am determined to do sth 我决定做…… I’m planning to do sth 我计划做…… I’m very keen on doing sth 我热衷于…… 缺少兴趣 English Chinese I find … rather uninteresting / boring 我觉得…相当无聊 I don’t take any interest in 我对……不感兴趣 It’s all the same to me whether 是否……对我来说没有区别 It means nothing to me 对我来说没有意义

2024-03-21 · 6 min · 1173 words · ZJeapo

Emoji Sheet

🎁 Emoji cheat sheet for GitHub, Basecamp, Slack & more ( Emoji Code Emoji Code Emoji Code Emoji Code 😀 :grinning_face: 🤦 :person_facepalming: 😹 :cat_with_tears_of_joy: 🧟 :zombie: 😃 :grinning_face_with_big_eyes: 🤦‍♂️ :man_facepalming: 😻 :smiling_cat_with_heart_eyes: 🧟‍♂️ :man_zombie: 😄 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: 🤦‍♀️ :woman_facepalming: 😼 :cat_with_wry_smile: 🧟‍♀️ :woman_zombie: 😁 :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes: 🤷 :person_shrugging: 😽 :kissing_cat: 🧌 :troll: 😆 :grinning_squinting_face: 🤷‍♂️ :man_shrugging: 🙀 :weary_cat: 💆 :person_getting_massage: 😅 :grinning_face_with_sweat: 🤷‍♀️ :woman_shrugging: 😿 :crying_cat: 💆‍♂️ :man_getting_massage: 🤣 :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: 🧑‍⚕️ :health_worker: 😾 :pouting_cat: 💆‍♀️ :woman_getting_massage: 😂 :face_with_tears_of_joy: 👨‍⚕️ :man_health_worker: 🙈 :see_no_evil_monkey: 💇 :person_getting_haircut: 🙂 :slightly_smiling_face: 👩‍⚕️ :woman_health_worker: 🙉 :hear_no_evil_monkey: 💇‍♂️ :man_getting_haircut: 🙃 :upside_down_face: 🧑‍🎓 :student: 🙊 :speak_no_evil_monkey: 💇‍♀️ :woman_getting_haircut: 🫠 :melting_face: 👨‍🎓 :man_student: 💌 :love_letter: 🚶 :person_walking: 😉 :winking_face: 👩‍🎓 :woman_student: 💘 :heart_with_arrow: 🚶‍♂️ :man_walking: 😊 :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes: 🧑‍🏫 :teacher: 💝 :heart_with_ribbon: 🚶‍♀️ :woman_walking: 😇 :smiling_face_with_halo: 👨‍🏫 :man_teacher: 💖 :sparkling_heart: 🧍 :person_standing: 🥰 :smiling_face_with_hearts: 👩‍🏫 :woman_teacher: 💗 :growing_heart: 🧍‍♂️ :man_standing: 😍 :smiling_face_with_heart_eyes: 🧑‍⚖️ :judge: 💓 :beating_heart: 🧍‍♀️ :woman_standing: 🤩 :star_struck: 👨‍⚖️ :man_judge: 💞 :revolving_hearts: 🧎 :person_kneeling: 😘 :face_blowing_a_kiss: 👩‍⚖️ :woman_judge: 💕 :two_hearts: 🧎‍♂️ :man_kneeling: 😗 :kissing_face: 🧑‍🌾 :farmer: 💟 :heart_decoration: 🧎‍♀️ :woman_kneeling: ☺ :smiling_face: 👨‍🌾 :man_farmer: ❣ :heart_exclamation: 🧑‍🦯 :person_with_white_cane: 😚 :kissing_face_with_closed_eyes: 👩‍🌾 :woman_farmer: 💔 :broken_heart: 👨‍🦯 :man_with_white_cane: 😙 :kissing_face_with_smiling_eyes: 🧑‍🍳 :cook: ❤️‍🔥 :heart_on_fire: 👩‍🦯 :woman_with_white_cane: 🥲 :smiling_face_with_tear: 👨‍🍳 :man_cook: ❤️‍🩹 :mending_heart: 🧑‍🦼 :person_in_motorized_wheelchair: 😋 :face_savoring_food: 👩‍🍳 :woman_cook: ❤ :⊛_pink_heart: 👨‍🦼 :man_in_motorized_wheelchair: 😛 :face_with_tongue: 🧑‍🔧 :mechanic: 🧡 :orange_heart: 👩‍🦼 :woman_in_motorized_wheelchair: 😜 :winking_face_with_tongue: 👨‍🔧 :man_mechanic: 💛 :yellow_heart: 🧑‍🦽 :person_in_manual_wheelchair: 🤪 :zany_face: 👩‍🔧 :woman_mechanic: 💚 :green_heart: 👨‍🦽 :man_in_manual_wheelchair: 😝 :squinting_face_with_tongue: 🧑‍🏭 :factory_worker: 💙 :blue_heart: 👩‍🦽 :woman_in_manual_wheelchair: 🤑 :money_mouth_face: 👨‍🏭 :man_factory_worker: 💜 :purple_heart: 🏃 :person_running: 🤗 :smiling_face_with_open_hands: 👩‍🏭 :woman_factory_worker: 🤎 :brown_heart: 🏃‍♂️ :man_running: 🤭 :face_with_hand_over_mouth: 🧑‍💼 :office_worker: 🖤 :⊛_grey_heart: 🏃‍♀️ :woman_running: 🫢 :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: 👨‍💼 :man_office_worker: 🤍 :white_heart: 💃 :woman_dancing: 🫣 :face_with_peeking_eye: 👩‍💼 :woman_office_worker: 💋 :kiss_mark: 🕺 :man_dancing: 🤫 :shushing_face: 🧑‍🔬 :scientist: 💯 :hundred_points: 🕴 :person_in_suit_levitating: 🤔 :thinking_face: 👨‍🔬 :man_scientist: 💢 :anger_symbol: 👯 :people_with_bunny_ears: 🫡 :saluting_face: 👩‍🔬 :woman_scientist: 💥 :collision: 👯‍♂️ :men_with_bunny_ears: 🤐 :zipper_mouth_face: 🧑‍💻 :technologist: 💫 :dizzy: 👯‍♀️ :women_with_bunny_ears: 🤨 :face_with_raised_eyebrow: 👨‍💻 :man_technologist: 💦 :sweat_droplets: 🧖 :person_in_steamy_room: 😐 :neutral_face: 👩‍💻 :woman_technologist: 💨 :dashing_away: 🧖‍♂️ :man_in_steamy_room: 😑 :expressionless_face: 🧑‍🎤 :singer: 🕳 :hole: 🧖‍♀️ :woman_in_steamy_room: 😶 :face_without_mouth: 👨‍🎤 :man_singer: 💬 :speech_balloon: 🧗 :person_climbing: 🫥 :dotted_line_face: 👩‍🎤 :woman_singer: 👁️‍🗨️ :eye_in_speech_bubble: 🧗‍♂️ :man_climbing: 😶‍🌫️ :face_in_clouds: 🧑‍🎨 :artist: 🗨 :left_speech_bubble: 🧗‍♀️ :woman_climbing: 😏 :smirking_face: 👨‍🎨 :man_artist: 🗯 :right_anger_bubble: 🤺 :person_fencing: 😒 :unamused_face: 👩‍🎨 :woman_artist: 💭 :thought_balloon: 🏇 :horse_racing: 🙄 :face_with_rolling_eyes: 🧑‍✈️ :pilot: 💤 :ZZZ: ⛷ :skier: 😬 :grimacing_face: 👨‍✈️ :man_pilot: 👋 :waving_hand: 🏂 :snowboarder: 😮‍💨 :face_exhaling: 👩‍✈️ :woman_pilot: 🤚 :raised_back_of_hand: 🏌 :person_golfing: 🤥 :⊛_shaking_face: 🧑‍🚀 :astronaut: 🖐 :hand_with_fingers_splayed: 🏌️‍♂️ :man_golfing: 😌 :relieved_face: 👨‍🚀 :man_astronaut: ✋ :raised_hand: 🏌️‍♀️ :woman_golfing: 😔 :pensive_face: 👩‍🚀 :woman_astronaut: 🖖 :vulcan_salute: 🏄 :person_surfing: 😪 :sleepy_face: 🧑‍🚒 :firefighter: 🫱 :rightwards_hand: 🏄‍♂️ :man_surfing: 🤤 :drooling_face: 👨‍🚒 :man_firefighter: 🫲 :leftwards_hand: 🏄‍♀️ :woman_surfing: 😴 :sleeping_face: 👩‍🚒 :woman_firefighter: 🫳 :palm_down_hand: 🚣 :person_rowing_boat: 😷 :face_with_medical_mask: 👮 :police_officer: 🫴 :⊛_rightwards_pushing_hand: 🚣‍♂️ :man_rowing_boat: 🤒 :face_with_thermometer: 👮‍♂️ :man_police_officer: 👌 :OK_hand: 🚣‍♀️ :woman_rowing_boat: 🤕 :face_with_head_bandage: 👮‍♀️ :woman_police_officer: 🤌 :pinched_fingers: 🏊 :person_swimming: 🤢 :nauseated_face: 🕵 :detective: 🤏 :pinching_hand: 🏊‍♂️ :man_swimming: 🤮 :face_vomiting: 🕵️‍♂️ :man_detective: ✌ :victory_hand: 🏊‍♀️ :woman_swimming: 🤧 :sneezing_face: 🕵️‍♀️ :woman_detective: 🤞 :crossed_fingers: ⛹ :person_bouncing_ball: 🥵 :hot_face: 💂 :guard: 🫰 :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed: ⛹️‍♂️ :man_bouncing_ball: 🥶 :cold_face: 💂‍♂️ :man_guard: 🤟 :love_you_gesture: ⛹️‍♀️ :woman_bouncing_ball: 🥴 :woozy_face: 💂‍♀️ :woman_guard: 🤘 :sign_of_the_horns: 🏋 :person_lifting_weights: 😵 :face_with_crossed_out_eyes: 🥷 :ninja: 🤙 :call_me_hand: 🏋️‍♂️ :man_lifting_weights: 😵‍💫 :face_with_spiral_eyes: 👷 :construction_worker: 👈 :backhand_index_pointing_left: 🏋️‍♀️ :woman_lifting_weights: 🤯 :exploding_head: 👷‍♂️ :man: 👉 :backhand_index_pointing_right: 🚴 :person_biking: 🤠 :cowboy_hat_face: 👷‍♀️ :woman_construction_worker: 👆 :backhand_index_pointing_up: 🚴‍♂️ :man_biking: 🥳 :partying_face: 🫅 :person_with_crown: 🖕 :middle_finger: 🚴‍♀️ :woman_biking: 🥸 :disguised_face: 🤴 :prince: 👇 :backhand_index_pointing_down: 🚵 :person_mountain_biking: 😎 :smiling_face_with_sunglasses: 👸 :princess: ☝ :index_pointing_up: 🚵‍♂️ :man_mountain_biking: 🤓 :nerd_face: 👳 :person_wearing_turban: 🫵 :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: 🚵‍♀️ :woman_mountain_biking: 🧐 :face_with_monocle: 👳‍♂️ :man_wearing_turban: 👍 :thumbs_up: 🤸 :person_cartwheeling: 😕 :confused_face: 👳‍♀️ :woman_wearing_turban: 👎 :thumbs_down: 🤸‍♂️ :man_cartwheeling: 🫤 :face_with_diagonal_mouth: 👲 :person_with_skullcap: ✊ :raised_fist: 🤸‍♀️ :woman_cartwheeling: 😟 :worried_face: 🧕 :woman_with_headscarf: 👊 :oncoming_fist: 🤼 :people_wrestling: 🙁 :slightly_frowning_face: 🤵 :person_in_tuxedo: 🤛 :left_facing_fist: 🤼‍♂️ :men_wrestling: ☹ :frowning_face: 🤵‍♂️ :man_in_tuxedo: 🤜 :right_facing_fist: 🤼‍♀️ :women_wrestling: 😮 :face_with_open_mouth: 🤵‍♀️ :woman_in_tuxedo: 👏 :clapping_hands: 🤽 :person_playing_water_polo: 😯 :hushed_face: 👰 :person_with_veil: 🙌 :raising_hands: 🤽‍♂️ :man_playing_water_polo: 😲 :astonished_face: 👰‍♂️ :man_with_veil: 🫶 :heart_hands: 🤽‍♀️ :woman_playing_water_polo: 😳 :flushed_face: 👰‍♀️ :woman_with_veil: 👐 :open_hands: 🤾 :person_playing_handball: 🥺 :pleading_face: 🤰 :pregnant_woman: 🤲 :palms_up_together: 🤾‍♂️ :man_playing_handball: 🥹 :face_holding_back_tears: 🫃 :pregnant_man: 🤝 :handshake: 🤾‍♀️ :woman: 😦 :frowning_face_with_open_mouth: 🫄 :pregnant_person: 🙏 :folded_hands: 🤹 :person_juggling: 😧 :anguished_face: 🤱 :breast_feeding: ✍ :writing_hand: 🤹‍♂️ :man_juggling: 😨 :fearful_face: 👩‍🍼 :woman_feeding_baby: 💅 :nail_polish: 🤹‍♀️ :woman_juggling: 😰 :anxious_face_with_sweat: 👨‍🍼 :man_feeding_baby: 🤳 :selfie: 🧘 :person_in_lotus_position: 😥 :sad_but_relieved_face: 🧑‍🍼 :person_feeding_baby: 💪 :flexed_biceps: 🧘‍♂️ :man_in_lotus_position: 😢 :crying_face: 👼 :baby_angel: 🦾 :mechanical_arm: 🧘‍♀️ :woman_in_lotus_position: 😭 :loudly_crying_face: 🎅 :Santa_Claus: 🦿 :mechanical_leg: 🛀 :person_taking_bath: 😱 :face_screaming_in_fear: 🤶 :Mrs....

2024-03-16 · 6 min · 1073 words · ZJeapo

In a Word

Mine Unimportant changes, not submitted —— ZJeapo, Apr 14, 2024 Information feeds our mind and spirit. —— ZJeapo, Apr 6, 2024 Tomorrow is now. —— ZJeapo, Apr 6, 2024 From others The modern deveil is cheap dopamine. —— Naval

2024-03-16 · 1 min · 39 words · ZJeapo