Mar 30

I found the Hugo blog deployed in GitHub is very convenient. I can use the One diary app for writing essays and copying to the Hugo via the GitHub app.

I can completely finish the writing and the publishing function by cell phone.

Mar 29

I have been considering the impact of communication tools on our lifestyle and ability to concentrate. No, all the things present by cell phone are consume our concentration.

About recording my life on Blog, I don’t think I should focus the rendering results and the impliment methods.

Just focus the content itself. Time is the most precious thing in the word, so I must use my whole time to create, to think, to feel, and to love. rather than be attracted by others.

Mar 28

There are two assignments as following:

There are a number of tests available which can suggest if a person is telling the truth, but knowing which ones are accurate is not easy. A newly created test is claimed to be the most accurate yet in lie detection.However, questions have been raised about its accuracy and ethics.

Students who wish to take a break from their studies will need to put in an application for Leave of Absence. If your application is successful, you will be notified via email. At the end of your Leave of Absence, you must re -enroll at Student Services and in the subjects you intend to study.


  1. Divide rhythm groups
  2. Linking rhythm groups
  3. Try read the full phrase.
  4. Compare with recording.

Mar 27

Today, I have been learning read aloud on Bilibili.【飞凡PTE】Read Aloud全网最全, 满分技巧合集! 小白必看!_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

It was very effective and efficient.

Mar 26

  • as much as
  • I wondered if you might consider paying overtime since I’ve had to stay late so often.
  • I can tell you don’t get out much
  • It’s a realistic expectation.
  • She’s the governor of Michigan
  • He’s a friend of our neighbors

Mar 25

About how to improve writing ability, there are definitely many different perspectives and methods. In my opinion, the thing we need to do is just keep outputting, and then keep revising. Only by doing this can we achieve fluency. Additionally, there is one especially important thing: choose a better tool. Because, as a foreigner, a tool like a teacher is important. A bad teacher might not improve our ability.

Mar 24

Recently, I always played with my cell phone for a few hours after waking up. I think this is a bad habit, and also wastes a lot of time.
At noon, I rode my bike to get to Saokun’s to eat lunch with my friends. But there is an unpleasant thing we did, which is that we were too lazy to treat them.
So, they decided to leave after playing for a while. We didn’t think our behaviors were truly considered enough.

Mar 23

Today, my friends and I decided to climb the Yunwu mountain.

Though It’s so tiring, it is a precious and specific experience.

Mar 22

It is through science that we prove,
But through intuition that we discover.

-- Henrry Pangalary

Pay attention to why you are using tools, rather than just focusing on the tools themselves.

Mar 21

Today, I will have a sweet dream, because I did an hour working out. Additionally, I didn’t get sleep all day.

When I got back to the dormitory after getting off work, I met Li Yujie on the first floor of the apartment. I had taken a delivery first. And then I took my delivery going upstairs by elevator. I saw Li Yujie standing outside of my dormitory when I got to my floor.

There was a bag of wolfberry in her hand. I invited her to have dinner together after I accepted the wolfberry.

Next, I boiled two bowls of noodles and a fennel egg cake to share with her. Last but not least, she shared a game with me. We played by ourselves for an hour.

To end with, I went to our gym to play dynamic bike.

Mar 20

Last night, I cannot fallen asleep on time. Till a half past 3 A.M, I was awaking. There is a lot of thoughts in my mind. Especially some things like the passion or relationship.

I think what I supposed to do is that make some changes.

Mar 19

The more I worked for other people, the more I wanted to be my own boss.

Duolingo’s sentences

  • Did you hear that the teacher had to suspend Kevin from school for stealing?
  • They were holding hands.
  • The worse the boss treats me, the more I want to retire.
  • I guess I shouldn’t treat myself so badly.

Today, I finished the function that compatible with both Github and Gitee simultaneously.

Mar 18

Today, I feel extremely tired. and I seldom learn to speak or listen all day. The only today’s achievement is that I finished building my personal blog by Github. The most interesting thing is that I tried to use the workflow function of Github, and then I successfully dealt with a bug.

And one more thing, I really don’t want to listen these things Luo Huan talked about her ex-boyfriend. I felt uncomfortable and uncareful. Honestly, I just care about her situation, not other people about her. However, just these poo things resulted in her bad mood. And I want to use a comment to describe her.

I tried to walk out of the swamp that has trapped me for so long, but forgot why this swamp has held me for so long.

Mar 17

Today’s emoji is 🙃 , 🤢 and 😧

My little cousin

My little cousin is one of my best friends. Actually, we don’t have any blood relationships. We had known each other is when I was in junior high school.

Though we had just been in contact for one year, we have built a very strong relationship. She named me little cousin(brother) when I named her little cousin(sister). We are frequently outspoken to each other without reservation.

Today, We have known each other already for ten years. In my mind, I think she is a very clever and lovely girl. Of course, I don’t know my imagination of mine in her mind.

Just now, she sent a few messages talking about her current situation. She has lots of stress on her thesis. After she told to me and I gave her some needed interaction, She felt better.

Huan with her ex-boyfriend

Just a few minutes ago, Huan called me about how he broke up with her ex-boyfriend.

However, I cannot give her any specific suggestions. She felt extremely upset, and she wanted to give her ex-boyfriend a callback.

In my opinion, it is unnecessary to call him back There is no actual love between you and him.

So, from other perspectives, choosing to break up might not be a bad result.

Mar 16

Custom the website to fit the syntax of typora.

==double equals== ,use the <mark> label

Woops, I cannot solve the mark compatibility between Typora and Hugo.

About My Present situation

My heart is under a lot of pressure, causing me to feel short of breath.

I hope to discover a way to accomplish some purpose or find life’s truth and significance.

A few days ago, I took a psychological test for the individual pressure of my mind. It demonstrated I had too much stress so I scored 113. The result means my pressure has been inducing my bodily disease.

Therefore, I think what I am supposed to do is adjust my lifestyle and alter my attitude.

Mar 15

Tonight, I spent twe precious hours for managing my blog website of Hugo. The reason why the process is so much difficult is that I didn’t understand the meaning of the below code.

So, the most important experience is that we must carefully treat any tips, warnnings, and precurors.

Error: command error: failed to load config: "D:\blog\hugo.yaml:226:1": failed to unmarshal YAML: yaml: line 226: mapping values are not allowed in this context