Apr 25

She’s been practicing for days on end and may be feeling a bit stressed out.

It’s a common that the original verb occurs behind the be.

None of your business!

Apr 24

A few days ago, I left a message on Yihui’s blog. He replied to my message on April 20th.


The time perhaps flies slowly when I don’t playing games or cell phone.

The chaos and mass message could easily kill the time in quiet.

Apr 23

Radio is a popular form of entertainment throughout the world.

How to divide this sentence by meaning group? It may not mean that it is possible to solve the problem easily.

Here’s one way to divide the sentence into meaning groups:

Group 1: “It may not mean” * This group introduces a possibility or uncertainty

Group 2: “that it is possible”

​ * This group expresses a potential outcome or situation

Group 3: “to solve the problem easily” * This group describes the specific action or task being referred to (solving a problem) and the desired outcome (easily)

So, the sentence can be broken down into three meaning groups:

  1. Introducing uncertainty
  2. Expressing a potential outcome
  3. Describing the specific action and desired outcome

An architect is required of problem solving skills and an eye of design.

Of these

Apr 22

The posters are on display at the larger lecture theater.

Graduates from this course generally find jobs in the insurance industry.

Foods containing overabundant calories supply little or no nutritional value.

The course involves a combination of pure and applied mathematics

The year when the ship of artifacts was wrecked interested historians.


Social psychology has been considered by human behavior.

The university has invested in the new technology designed for learning.

Students should leave their bags on the tables by the door.

The collapse of the housing market has triggered recessions throughout the world.

Human beings compete with other living things for resources and space.

Apr 20

One can only consider themselves awake after have washed up.

Let not bring up the topic of her loud snoring.

You asked me not to say anything, so I won’t.

It would be great if we could get along.

Did you bother to fill up the tank?

Apr 19

Yikes, somebody messed up the cheese tray.

Come on, we didn’t do all of this for nothing!

It was supposed to be a short-term plan.

More women have jobs these days Likewise they often own businesses

Apr 15

Worked, invited my colleague to eat dinner in my room, practiced speaking ability at the Geely Park, Learned Englsih at dormitory.

Apr 14

Bye, RStudio/Posit! - After writing all these “*down” packages for these years, here I am to announce “Yihui-down” - Yihui Xie | 谢益辉

I read this article early in this morning. It was very emotional and I left a comment.

You are just like a modern swordsman. I aspire to become someone like you.

It’s already nine o’clock. I learned for seven hours today, but I still felt that I learned nothing. Every day, I feel just like drawing water with a bamboo basket.

In the evening, my eyes were really hard to see, and I wander to the Geely Park next to my dormitory to take a break. It turned out to be a good place to study, with a group of people dancing to loud music and adults and children playing there own games. I read out aloud in English without worrying about what other people thought, and no one would think I was strange.

When I think about it, I am actually in the same category as aquare dancers. We are all unbearable by the tranquility of our bodies and the tranquility of our minds, and we seek excitement in life by torturing our bodies or our minds. This is essentially the same reason why monkeys seek electric shocks.

Apr 13

Today was another day where time slipped through my fingers and I woke up and studied for a while. Then the tablet I bought arrived and played with it for two hours, casing my eyes to hurt.

Tossed around for another hour after my lunch break, then studied for a just while more, and suddenly I wanted to eat grilled fish, so I invited my friend to go out for grilled fish.

Apr 12

I backed Guiyang from Chengdu at noon, cost 18RMB to bought a box of soda cracker. The saleperson said that they can send me a box of cracker freely if I deposit 72 RMB in their shop. After much hesitation, I still top up. I just hope the sotre doesn’t close down.

This evening I also invited S.K. and Y.X. to bake something here. But I got rid of them early, because I don’t have anything to play here.

See original text



Apr 11

Today is the second day for training at Chengdu. My master brought my computer for playing games, and I don’t have strongly motivation to study. So, today is wasted.

Nevertheless, I really want to buy a tablet, because I think the number of information which displayed on my cellphone screen too less. On the other hand, I easily distracted by other applications when I use my cellphone. It obstacled me focusing on study.

But look for a long time, found that the new tablet is very expensive. Originlly, Redmi will release a tablet called Redmi Pad Pro, but the price is high, poor of perfomance, very disppointing.

Therefore, I turned to buy a Xiaoxin Pad Pro 2023. Later, I returned it becase I thought it was a tablet from nine months ago, and the price was still so expensive.

Sincerely lamented that now didital equipment manufacturers do not think of progress, sometimes come new manufactorers of newproducts or more conscientious. But the law that the dragon slayer becomes the dragon remains the same.

See original text



不过看了好久,发现新出的平板都好贵。本来,今晚红米会发布一款名为Redmi Pad Pro 的平板,但是价格高,性能差,很是失望。

于是,我转头买小新 Pad Pro 2023。后面我又给退了,因为我想这是9个月前的平板,且价格还是这么贵。


Apr 10

I was trained at Chengdu all day. I discovered that the leaders of the commpany are still eager to do things like environmental protextion. But somehow it got crooked down there.

See original text今天一整天都在成都培训,集团的领导还是很想把类似于环保这些事情做好的。但是不知怎么到下面就歪了。

Apr 9

Last night. S.Y. came to Guiyang and then went to S.K’s home for drinking with me. Undoubtly, we were drinked. It was okay to get up late because I would take a business trip with my colleagues yesterday noon.

See original text昨晚,姚述屿来到贵阳,然后去到骚坤家喝酒。不出意外的喝醉了,因为今天中午要和同事一起去出差,所以今天起得比平时晚一些也没事。

Apr 8

I learned a lot of useful suggestions from Perfect English Grammar, The style of this book is very sincere.

It’s easy to lose sight of what is important. You focus on word count rather than results. You lose track of your good idea because you’re worried about margings and type size. You’re concerned about the introduction but haven’t given a thought to the conclusion. You are so worried about your deadline it distracts you from doing the work. Many writers go through this! You are not alone. To focus on what is important, look at the finshed, published writing around you and think, “If they did it, so can I”.

Format at the end. Things like bolding, italicizing, and setting margins can be distracions from what matters most. You’ll end up having to redo a lot of the foormatting, anyway.

Apr 7

Gradually realizing that forcing myself to produce will only result in reducing the desire to produce if I don’t have the ability to express my thoughts skillfully. It will come up with a mood of anxiety difficult because I also don’t know how to express what thoughts.

Yesterday, a public account regularly posted an English article. I wanted to go to bed after reading, but I found a few minor mistakes in the reading progress; I turned to check the corrdinate Chinese translation, then discovered the words are very beautiful. I inevitably doubted that the author wrote the Chinese version first, and then translated it into the English version. Therefore, I left a message to the author for seeking the answer. The answer was as expected, which gave me great courage.

Last but not least, mother tongue isn’t the stumbling block for learning a foreign language. It will give us great help. The process of translating from Chinese to English is the best way to learn English.

In the future, I will write the Chinese version first and then translate it into English, and I think this process will be reversed one day.


Apr 6

Over time, my speech ability has been getting constantly progress.


Life is more or less a lie, but then again, that’s extactly the way we want it to be.

–Bob Dylan

Apr 5

Our body and our mind are in conflict. The body wants to be still, the mind wants to explore the world.

Pride and prejudice are the most disgusting attitudes in the world. I just want to share my new experience with you. These are some ordinary and common things in my mind. But you thought I wanted to gain some superiority from what I want to share with you.

When I thought about it, I felt the feeling of aversion more than you guessed my intention.

Apr 4

There are many interesting things that attract me. It caused me to always spend a lot of time on it. Such as coding, playing with cell phone, playing with game and touching myself.

 What are the common characteristics of these things? I can’t find the answer right away, because they don’t have almost  any similar characteristics.

But what these things have in common, is that they all have the ability to attract my concentration. 

A logical assumption is that all of these things accompany all kinds of information that comes in.

Apr 3

I felt very tired today. Actually, I had already slept for two hours.

Apr 2

I spent an hour beautifying me blog. Now, it became more beautiful.

Apr 1

Unconsciously, it’s already April. I feel that my progress cannot keep up with the pace of aging.

I want to change my life now and explore the possibility of life. But this behavior has put a lot of pressure on me.

There is one of the most important factors that hinders me to learn English continuously. It’s the cell phone. I have to learn how to resist this big monster. Cutting its tongue is a very useful method, I thought.