Apr 17

I went to see a typical Broadway musical last night, and there was singing and dancing on stage.

I haven’t made it in London yet, but I might give it a chance and stay another month.

Our community values include helping one another. That’s what we believe in.

It takes time to adjust to the city after living on a farm.

Is the guy she’s seeing up to our standards?

It was a small, but loving family.

Everybody I knew worked in agriculture.

Interesting people hang out at laundromats.

Apr 9

What kind of disguises were they wearing.

Apr 7

  1. I can’t believe you were desperate enough to try to steal from me. I thought we were friends.
  2. He fell for a scam.
  3. Don’t let Angela choose the theme again.
  4. I was in shock and could hardly speek.

Apr 6

  1. Ms. Turner had her home broken into at approximately 2 a.m. on Saturday.
  2. The referee said that was a goal, but I don’t buy it. It definitely wasn’t.
  3. Here come the team mascots! I wonder how you become a mascot?
  4. It seemed odd that there were so few fans.
  5. If he stole the car on Saturday, it would not have been there the next day.
  6. The best part of the tournament was when our favorite team won the playoff game.
  7. There’s no 没有 such thing as too many frogs!

Apr 5

  1. Airline tickets have leveled off, which means that prices have stopped increasing.
  2. Wasn’t Lucy in a union with other construction workers back in the eighties?
  3. As opposed to the blenders of the past, modern blenders are very quiet.
  4. Those arriving in the city were often very poor
  5. I can’t believe we got the business up and running so quickly.
  6. The first female doctor was very inspiring to those who followed in her footsteps.
  7. It’s been constantly improving.
  8. It**’s been working** successfully so far
  9. There**’s been** a steady rise in online shopping.
  10. In contrast with today, many women used to be unemployed.

Apr 4

  1. All my favorite bands are from the eighties. What a great time for music!
  2. I’m jealous that you saw that band in the eighties. It must have been amazing!
  3. Thousands of hippies attended a huge concert in 1969.
  4. If someone influences you. They affect how you think or act.
  5. We’d rarely seen such strange outfits on stage before.
  6. They had suddenly become the most famous band in the world.

Mar 29

  1. They chased him, but he didn't get caught. 🫦
  2. Don’t say a thing, I know how you feel.
  3. Admit that you ripped my poster on purpose!
  4. If I hadn’t read the book, I would be so confused now.
  5. If you want to be fit, you can get in shape by going to the gym more.
  6. The product is neither expensive nor difficult to use!
  7. Next up, a chat with some local women running in the city marathon this year.
  8. Every day, these firefighters show us their bravery and courage.
  9. Local news is next, right after the commercial break.
  10. A surfer came across the puppy and brought it back to shore.

Mar 28

  1. It was so thoughtful of you clean my kitchen. You didn’t have to do that!
  2. It was kind of him to ask if I needed help with my packing.
  3. We haven't never argued. 🫦
  4. If it’s not too much to ask, could I stay at your house while you’re away? I’ll sleep on the sofa!
  5. Not only are our candies delicious, but they're also healthy. 🫦
  6. It’s kind of ugly, but it’s functional

Mar 24

  1. I’m over you and your drama . You can find somebody else to shout at.
  2. You played a part in making this mess. You should help to clean it up.
  3. How did they pass the time?
  4. Klaus keeps confessing that he loves me. I wish he’d stop saying that!
  5. Frankly, I’m fed up with her excuses. I won’t put up with them any more!
  6. That juice stained my new shorts! 🫦
  7. From time to time, we all fail.
  8. Oh man I know how badly you need your phone.

Mar 21

  1. I want to give you a piece of advice about taking care of your garden.
  2. I pretty much told my neighbors that they need to move their car off my driveway.
  3. Somehow we got locked in a closet. We tried to get out, but it was no use. The door wouldn’t open!
  4. I had been exploring for a few minutes when I felt a weird sensation, as if eyes were everywhere!
  5. Honestly, we didn’t think through the consequences of entering the house.
  6. If we’d known better, we never would have hiked across “Ghost Valley.” It wasn’t just a nickname!
  7. We don’t think he’s telling the truth. 我们认为他说的不是实话
  8. Who grabbed me by the arm?
  9. You are always getting carried away.
  10. I’ll speak to her after she cools down.

Mar 22

  1. He’s the one whose evil mother left him nothing in her will.
  2. My mom invited me to live at home so that I would have a chance to rest!
  3. It takes patience to get used to a new home. You don’t always feel at home right away
  4. Do you mean the one who adopted a bunch of orphans? 🫦
  5. He's capable of deceiving everyone 🫦
  6. Let's rewatch that one scene where everything gets revealed 🫦