
The functional words need next to behind, like this is the

  1. How quickly is the world's population growing?

Eye brain coordination


Watching the flag before you read it

  1. Australians do speak English, 🚩however, 🚩for some tourists and travellers, 🚩it can be difficult to understand the slang.🚩
  2. The maximum yield of plants, 🚩determined by their genetic potential, 🚩is seldom achieved,🚩 because factors such as insufficient water or nutrients,🚩 adverse climate conditions, plant diseases.🚩
  3. They have no coach,🚩 no mechanic,🚩 no team.🚩 They have assembled their bikes single-handedly.🚩 Some say a prayer,🚩 others throw salt over their chains as a blessing before the race begins.🚩
  4. Akimbo,🚩 this must be one of the odder looking words in the language.🚩 It puzzles us🚩 in part because🚩 it doesn’t seem to have any relatives.🚩
  5. You use to think being green🚩 was a luxury for your company,🚩 but climate change has made you realise🚩 that you can no longer ignore it.🚩
  6. You use to think being green was a luxury for your company, but climate change has made you realise that you can no longer ignore it.The buzz is about becoming carbon-neutral, but where do you start? Consider your drivers. Do you want to become carbon neutral for marketing reasons, for financial reasons, or just to save the planet.
  7. Public demand for education🚩 has remained strong,🚩 reflecting the importance of education🚩 as a means of social progress.🚩 Aware of the social value of education to the world of work.🚩
  8. Hundreds of millions of people🚩 eat fast food every day🚩 without giving it too much thought.🚩 They just unwrap their hamburgers and dig in.🚩 An hour or so later,🚩 when the burger’s all gone and the wrapper’s been tossed into the garbage,🚩 the whole meal has already been forgotten.🚩

Strong and Weak


  1. The main difference on this occasion was that the colonists were not just fighting against a king
  2. If your application is successful, you will be notified via email.
  3. There are a number of tests available which can suggest if a person is telling the truth.
  4. Living in the host country, not as a tourist or guest but as a member of the community.
  5. It is a move that could lead to a trade war and damage the economies of both nations.
  6. Employers mistreated the workers and paid them too little for the work they did.
  7. It is important to talk to your doctor before starting an exercise routine.
  8. And it’s not just the caterpillars, of course, that are important.


  1. The strictest definitions define smoking as being the inhalation of any tobacco substance while the loosest define smoking as possessing any lit tobacco product.
  2. This trend began in the middle of the 20th century and is one of the major environmental concerns of scientists and governmental officials worldwide.
  3. There has been a decline in physical activity because more people work in offices rather than in manual jobs.
  4. You must re-enroll at Student Services and in the subjects you intend to study.
  5. Tidal energy is a renewable source of energy and a form of hydropower used to generate electricity from the energy of the tides.
  6. The use of questionnaires and surveys is more suitable for quantitative research whereas interviews and focus groups are more often used for qualitative research purposes.
  7. Others see it as essential to civilized living and concern themselves with design and how the furniture will look in a room.
  8. Mitigation is common and calls for a reduction of emissions and less reliance on fossil fuels.
  9. Coal burning power plants are now replaced with hydraulic power plants and electrical cars are replacing some gasoline efficient cars.

Students who wish to take a break from their studies will need to put in an application for Leave of Absence.

The extent and structure of the government of the United States make it dependent on the will of the society.

The child raised in an environment where there are many stimuli will experience greater intellectual development.


People with active lifestyle are less likely to die early or to have major illness.

  1. People with active lifestyle.
  2. are less likely.
  3. to die early.
  4. or to have major illness.

Look for meaning group words

  1. It seems that language appeared from nowhere since no other species has anything resembling human language.
  2. Certainly one of the important values of literature is that it nourishes our emotional lives. An effective literary work may seem to speak directly to us especially if we are ripe for it.
  3. When we recycle, used materials are converted into new products, reducing the need to consume natural resources.
  4. Before European explorers had reached Australia, it was believed that all swans were white.
  5. A unique characteristic of online shopping environments is that they allow vendors to create retail interfaces with highly interactive features.
  6. Yellow is the most optimistic colour, yet surprisingly, people lose their tempers most often in yellow rooms and babies cry more in them.


2 Shakespeare 🫦

A young man from_a small provincial town -- a man without independent wealth, without powerful family connections / and without_a university education -- moved to London in the late 1580's and, in_a remarkably short time, became the greatest playwright / not of his age_alone / but_of_all time. How was this_achievement_of magnitude made? How did Shakespeare become Shakespeare?

3 Tesla & Edison 🫦

Tesla actually worked for Edison early in_his career. Edison offered to pay him the modern_equivalent of_a million dollars / to fix the problems he was having with_his DC generators_and motors. Tesla fixed Edison’s machines / and when he asked for the money he was promised, Edison laughed him_off and had this to say, Tesla, you don't understand our American humor.

1025 Rates of Depression 🫦

At_a time / when stress levels are soaring, rates_of depression_are increasing / and the gap between rich and poor / is ever widening. We believe that / giving can play a positive role / in helping people to feel connected / to those around them / and generate_a sense_of purpose and hope. When we give, we feel valued, useful and happy.

1024 Tutor 🫦

Your tutor helps you / make the most_of your time at university / by giving you guidance and support / along the way. All new students / are allocated_a personal tutor / who will_encourage you / to get the most out_of your course, direct you to other sources_of support / and help you achieve your goals.

1034 Bill 🫦

The bill calls for the establishment / of the National Landslide Hazards Reduction Program / within one year of becoming law. The program serves numerous functions, including to identify / and understand landslide hazards_and risks, reduce losses from landslides, protect communities / at risk_of landslides hazards, and_improve communication / and_emergency preparedness.