



Read aloud 15

Look at the text below. In 40 seconds, you must read this text aloud as naturally and clearly as possible. You have 40 seconds to read aloud.

Repeate sentence 50

You will hear a sentence. Please repeat the sentence exactly as you hear it. You will hear the sentence only once.

Describe imagine

Look at the graph below. In 25 seconds, please speak into the microphone and describe in detail what the graph is showing. You will have 40 seconds to give your response.

This picture mainly talks about…(标题)

According to the picture we can see,

According to the picture, we can see left and right, top and bottom, highest value and lowest value, decrease and increase, largest and smallest, white and black.

In conclusion, this picture is very practical.

According to the picture we can see XXX and XXX (两个图里一会儿用不到的单词数据)

As you can see from this graph that the largest figure can be found in (横轴上的一个item) which is around XXX (数据).

The smallest figure can be found in B which is around XXX.

The figure of V is XXX which is lower than the figure of D.

according to the picture , we can see left and right, top and bottom, largest number and smallest element , decrease and increase, white and black.

In conclusion, this picture is very informative.

The following picture gives information about xxx.

according to the picture, we can see xxx

according to the picture, we can see xxx

according to the picture, we can see xxx.

and also we can see the left and right,top and bottom, increase and decrease trend, the largest number and the smallest element.

In conclusion, this picture is very informative.

Re-tell lecture

You will hear a lecture. After listening to the lecture, in 10 seconds, please speak into the microphone and retell what you have just heard from the lecture in your own words. You will have 40 seconds to give your response.

  1. This lecture provides imformation about 1.
  2. According to the lecture, the speaker mentioned something about 2, which is important to 3.
  3. The speaker also mentioned something about 4, which is important to 5.
  4. The speaker also mentioned something about 6, which is important to 7.
  5. In conclusion, the lecture is about 9, which is very informative.

Tips: The nubmer in template needs to replace the words you listening, any words.

The lecture gives information about xxx.

according to the lecture, the speaker mentioned something about xxx.

according to the lecture, the speaker mentioned something about xxx.

according to the lecture, the speaker mentioned something about xxx.

In conclusion, this lecture is very informative.

Answer short question 10

You will hear a question. Please give a simple and short answer. Often just one or a few words is enough.


Summarize written text

Read the passage below and summarize it using one sentence. Type your response in the box at the bottom of the screen. You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points in the passage.

xxx, and xxx, which means that xxx, so xxx; xxx.

Write essay

You will have 20 minutes to plan, write and revise an essay about the topic below. Your response will be judged on how well you develop a position, organize your ideas, present supporting details, and control the elements of standard written English. You should write 200-300 words.

  1. In contemporary society, the controversial topic about (主题词) never fails to attract public attention.

    Some people believe that (论点), while others are convinced of the opposite view.

    As far as I am concerned, I tend to be the advocate of the former/ latter opinion, and this essay will discuss the same.

  2. To commence with, there are a lot of solid reasons accounting for why (改写论点).

    The most important one is that (论据).

    To be specific, (改写论据).

    A recent survey, for instance, conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics in the first-tier cities in China shows that (例证)

  3. Moving on to consider the opposing arguments of critics, they claim that (反方论点). Well, this view seems reasonable on the surface, but they ignore the fact that (驳斥反方论点的论据).

    As Aristotle once said, “You cannot have all the good things at the same time. You always have to compromise one point or another.”

To sum up, taking into account all the above mentioned reasons, we may safely draw the conclusion that (再次改写你的论点或强调).

Bilibili Template

In contemporary society, the controversial topic about ==future things== never fails to attract public attention.

Some people believe that ==computers are the future==, while others are convinced of the opposite view. As far as I am concerned, I tend to be the advocate of the latter opinion, and this essay will discuss the same.

To commence with, there are a lot of solid reasons accounting for why ==aerospace has a more promising future==. The most important one is that ==aerospace can extend our living space==. To be specific, ==we can get more areas through aerospace==. A recent survey, for instance, conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics in the first-tier cities in China shows that.

Moving on to consider the opposing arguments of critics, they claim that. Well, this view seems reasonable on the surface, but they ignore the fact that ==computers or manufacturing industries have a more promising future==. As Aristotle once said, you cannot have all the good things at the same time. You always have to compromise one point or another.

To sum up, taking into account all the above mentioned reasons, we may safely draw the conclusion that a==erospace has a more promising future==, and this is very important.

Ape Template

Nowadays, ==the future of the computer industry== has attracted numerous controversies and drawn the public’s attention. Some people believe that ==the computer industry is on a decline==, while others hold the view that ==it has a more promising future==. In my opinion, ==the computer industry has a more promising future== due to efficiency and economic reasons.

Firstly, the efficiency reason is why I think ==the computer industry has a promising future==. Although potentially negative impacts of ==the computer industry== must be taken into account, I still reckon that ==the computer industry== has in many ways enormously enriched people’s lives. For example, a well-known American scientist, Einstein, once said that ==computers are getting better at doing tasks and processes, making work more efficient==. It is thus clearly shown that ==the computer industry has a more promising future==.

Moreover, another factor that should be considered is the ==economic== reason. As far as society is concerned, the ultimate aim of ==the computer industry is to drive progress and innovation==. For instance, a recent article published by Scientific American revealed that despite challenges, ==the tech industry== is expected to continue to grow and lead stock market gains. Undoubtedly, this is a clear indication that ==the computer industry has a more promising future.==

In conclusion, I hold the view that ==the computer industry has a promising future== based on ==efficiency== and ==economic== reasons. To address this issue, the government and society should make a concerted effort to find solutions.

Nowadays, whether hyper competition in our life has attracted numerous controversies and drawn the public’s attention. Some people believe that competition improves the quality of our private and professional lives, while others hold the view that hyper competition is bad for individuals and for society in general. In my opinion, hypercompetition is really bad for individuals for social and cultural reasons.

Firstly, the social reason is why I think hyper competition is harmful to our relationship. Although potentially positive impacts of competition must be taken into account, I still reckon that competition has in many ways enormously harmed people’s lives. For example, a well-known American scientist, Einstein, once said that never trusting competition can change our lives. It is thus clearly shown that competition is bad for us.

Moreover, another factor that should be considered is the cultural reason. As far as society is concerned, the ultimate aim of competition is to improve our lives. For instance, a recent article revealed that competition is bad for everyone. Undoubtedly, this is a clear indication that hyper competition is bad for individuals.

In conclusion, I hold the view that hyper competition is bad for society in general based on the social and cultural reasons outlined above. To address this issue, the government and society should make a concerted effort to find solutions.


Reading & Writing: fill in the blanks

There are some words missing in the following text. Please select the correct word in the drop-down box.

Multiple choice (multiple)

Read the text and answer the question by selecting all the correct responses. More than one response is correct.

Re-order Paragraphs

The text boxes in the left panel have been placed in a random order. Restore the original order by dragging the text boxes from the left panel to the right panel.

Reading: fill in the blanks

In the text below some words are missing. Drag words from the box below to the appropriate place in the text. To undo an answer choice, drag the word back to the box below the text.

Multiple choice (single)

Read the text and answer the multiple-choice question by selecting the correct response. Only one response is correct.


Summarize spoken text

You will hear a short report. Write a summary for a fellow student who was not present. You should write 50-70 words. You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points presented in the lecture.

  1. The main topic is (that + 中心内容句)/ (中心词组或单词)
  2. Firstly, the speaker points out (关键名词组 and 关键名词组2)
  3. In addition, he/she states (关键名词组3 as well as 关键名词组4)
  4. Furthermore, it is noteworthy to mention (关键名词组5 and 关键名词组6) and highlight (关键名词组7 along with 关键名词组8)
  5. In summary, the speaker suggests (关键名词组9 and 关键名词组10)

The main topic is that xxx. Firstly, the speaker points out xxx and xxx. In addition, he states xxx as well as xxx. Furthermore, it is noteworthy to mention xxx and xxx. In summary, the speaker suggests xxx and xxx.

Multiple choice (multiple)

Listen to the recording and answer the question by selecting all the correct responses. You will need to select more than one response.

Fill in the blanks

You will hear a recording. Type the missing words in each blank.

Highlight correct summary

You will hear a recording. Click on the paragraph that best relates to the recording.

Multiple choice (single)

Listen to the recording and answer the single-choice question by selecting the correct response . Only one response is correct.

Select missing words

You will hear a recording about fiction writing. At the end of the recording the lost word or group of words has been replaced by a beep. Select the correct option to complete the recording.

Highlight incorrect words

You will hear a recording. Below is a transcription of the recording. Some words in the transcription differ from what the speaker said. Please click on the words that are different.

Write from dictation 50~100

You will hear a sentence. Type the sentence in the box below exactly as you hear it. Write as much of the sentence as you can. You will hear the sentence only once.