The celebrated theory is still the source of great controversy.

I thought a good architectural structure should be useful, durable and beautiful.

Educational level is found to be related to social and economic background.

We can all meet at my office after the lecture.

All dissertations must be accompanied by a submission form.

All students are expected to attend ten lab sessions per semester.

Our view is that educational reforms have been inadequately implemented.

He landed a job in a very prestigious law firm.

Important details from the argument are missing in the summary.

Listening is the key skill needed to succeed in this course.

Many birds migrate to warmer areas for the winter.

Medical researchers have focused on causes of diseases and treatments.

Most university teaching still takes place in lectures and seminars.

Nurses can specialize in clinical work or management.

Organization plays an important role in academic literature.

Organizational failure is considered from various perspectives in academic literature.

Packaging is very important to attract the attention of a buyer.

Peer group pressure has a significant effect on young people.

Plants are the living things that can grow in land or in water.

Please note that the submission deadlines are only negotiable in exceptional circumstances.

Public perception about biotechnology is crucial for developing scientific consensus.

Radio is a popular form of entertainment throughout the world.

The supposed benefits of space exploration are frequently questioned.

She has made a significant contribution to the field of chemistry.

Some economists argue that the entire financial system is fatally flawed.

Some students find that true or false questions are harder than short answers.

A bar chart provides a useful means of data comparison.

The business policy seminar includes an internship with a local firm. () The rising inflation rate indicates a decrease in demand for consumer products.

30 .The earth’s atmosphere is primarily composed of oxygen and nitrogen gases.

The garden behind the university is open to the public in summer.

The history of the university is a long and interesting one.

The island is located at the south end of the bay.

The key difference between courses is the kind of assessment.

The most popular courses still have a few places left.

The qualification will be assessed by using a criterion-referenced approach.

The results of the study underscored the importance of early detection.

The school’s summer programs help students to accelerate their studies.

The summer course is canceled due to insufficient enrollment.

The new technician dropped the microscope in the biology lab.

The visiting speaker used to be a lecturer in this department.

There are some doubts about whether these events actually occurred.

There is clearly a need for further research in this field.

Traveling by boat on the river is not possible in winter.

Tribes vied with each other to build monolithic statues.

Water filters on campus will discourage the unnecessary use of plastic bottles.

We can work together to achieve high educational standard.

We were able to contact a number of research subjects.

When parents talk to children, the tense tends to be simplified.

Years of training is needed to become a medical specialist.

Upload your assignments to the website by Tuesday.

You must submit your assignments by next Friday at the latest.

You will acquire many skills during the academic studies.

Speak to your tutor if you require further assistance.

Education and training provide important skills for the labor force.

Farming methods across the world have greatly developed recently.

Find out how to get resources before your research.

Global connections thrived in academic communities, thanks to social media.

Several candidates would be qualified as the greatest scientists of all time.

The Industrial Revolution in Europe was driven by steam technology.

The theater study course encourages students to exercise creativity.

There are opportunities to receive grants in most artistic fields.

There have been many changes recently in the mathematics department.

There is a welcome party for all new students each term.

This course considerably emphasizes critical thinking skills.

Every student has both the right and the ability to succeed.

New credit cards will soon use fingerprint technology.

Collaboration between departments is a feature of successful companies.

69 .Geography is generally divided into two main branches, human and physical. : In this language course, we focus on both fluency and accuracy.

Making mistakes is fine as long as you learn from them.

One of the election promises is to decrease income taxes.

This course provides the opportunity to get valuable industry experience.

Some people are motivated by competition, while others prefer to collaborate.

Students intending to go to the conference must register now.

The ability to work with fellow students cannot be stressed enough.

The elective course introduces engineering students to construction practices and concepts.

78 .The department has a higher-than-normal proportion of postgraduate students.

The economy is now showing the first sign of recovery.

80 .The site is designed to be highly interactive.

Please move us to the meeting room for the next hour.

You should submit your term papers to the general office.

Key business partners are often intertwined in expense accounts.

Speed is defined as how quickly an object or a person moves.

Animal and plant cells have a number of structures in common.

Being bilingual does not necessarily mean having the ability to analyze the languages.

We no longer respond to any post reference requests.

You must hand in your essays by midday on Friday.

89 .Sugar is a compound including carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms. 、 The shipwreck of this year ruined some artifacts which were interested by historians.

A series of lectures showcasing economic research have been recorded.

The printers automatically print on both sides of each page.

Many vocational courses at institutions are funded by private enterprises.

Distance learning allows you to develop a career around your commitments.

95 .The opening hours of the library are reduced during summer.

It takes a long time to walk to university.

Photography can be very useful to geographical research.

The area has a variety of underwater habitats and species.

Our study program equips students with essential skills for university.

Academic libraries across the world are steadily incorporating social media.

Many food crops require large amounts of water and fertilizer.

New developments in manufacturing are constantly changing the way we live.

Classical mechanics is sometimes considered as a branch of applied mathematics.

New materials and techniques are changing the style of modern architecture.

There will be a chemistry test in the class next week.

An effective business manager is always open to new ideas.

The department works closely with business communities.

There is an accounting assignment for finance students.

We should never underestimate the power of creative design.

Linguistics is the scientific study and analysis of language.

The orchestra will be led by a visiting conductor.

Marine environments have been destroyed by pollution and unsustainable development.

Designers need to keep up with the social trends.

A visit to the designed museum is of great value.

Undergraduates may pursue their specific interests within certificate programs.

116 .Trees benefit the city by soaking up the rainwater that runs off the roads.

New media journalism is an exciting area of study.

Rising sea temperatures are a sign of climate change.

The key witnesses to the event have conflicting recollections.

The momentum is defined as the combination of mass and velocity.

You will study two core and three optional modules.

Peer review is an essential part of scientific methods.

The study center in the library has all the latest technologies.

This course places considerable emphasis on critical thinking skills.

A typical part of the course involves the study of society.

Scientists have founded all parts of society today.

127 .Physics is the key subject to understanding the world and the universe.

This new camera can identify your eyes and focus on them.

There is a pharmacy on campus near the bookstore.

The lecture today will cover all the main reasons for global warming.

The rising temperature is changing the wildlife population.

The director of the gallery was grateful for the anonymous donation.

Studies showed there is a positive correlation between the two variables.

You should have awareness of how the business operates globally.

135 .The dance department stages elaborated performances each semester.

An architect is required to have problem-solving skills and an eye for design.

Read the first section before the next meeting.

We learned through observations and the analysis of human behaviors.

In his lifetime, he composed a large number of works.

In addition to class requirements, students must pass all the qualifying examinations.

One student representative will be selected from each class.

All answers must be thoroughly researched and supported by relevant theories.

While some people regard it as reforming zeal, others regard it as recklessness.

Any gain on sales of property must be allocated promptly.

Efforts are being made to reduce harmful emissions.

Visual aid can be really helpful when you are revising.

We encourage students to complete their applications before the deadline .

Lectures are the oldest and the most formal teaching method at university. 、 Before you choose your university courses, you should consider your future career.

She began by giving an outline of the previous lecture.

You must answer security questions when you reset your password.

Astronomers use light years to measure distance in space. “” Currently the growth of the economy is unpredictable.

The course involves a combination of pure and applied mathematics.

Social psychology is concerned with the understanding of human behaviors.

A series of the observations were carried out in the classroom.

The department is doing some crucial work on climate change.

158 .Physical strength can be enhanced through regular training.

The assignments should be submitted to the department office before the deadlines.

Please check the information on the website for the opening times.

The speaker began by giving an outline of her presentation.

We have not yet achieved equality in our society.

Undergraduate students can select what interests them the most in the science program.

Summer school programs allow some students to accelerate their studies.

Advanced technology created growth in the economy.

When launching a product, researching and marketing are very crucial.

The article considers the leisure habits of teenagers in rural areas.

Newspapers across the country have been reporting stories of the president.

Our aim is to reduce the risks that people take.